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    57,00 RON
    A disturbing masterpiece of narrative invention and moving storytelling from one of Japan's most highly respected and bestselling writers.
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    57,01 RON
    He is a brilliant maths professor with a peculiar problem - ever since a traumatic head injury seventeen years ago, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is a sensitive but astute young housekeeper who is entrusted to take care of him. Each morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are reintroduced to one another, a strange, beautiful relationship blossoms between them. The Professor may not remember what he had for breakfast, but his mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past. He devises clever maths riddles - based on her shoe size or her birthday - and the numbers reveal a sheltering and poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her ten-year-old son. With each new equation, the three lost souls forge an affection more mysterious than imaginary numbers, and a bond that runs deeper than memory.
  3. spuneți-vă părerea

    49,00 RON
    Mari begins to visit the mysterious man at his island home, and he initiates her into a dark realm of both pain and pleasure. As Mari's mother and the police begin to close in on the illicit affair, events move to a dramatic climax.
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    24,09 RON

    Autoare a peste 20 de opere de fictiune, recompensata cu importante premii literare, tradusa in peste 20 de tari, scriitoarea Yoko Ogawa este o voce majora din literatura japoneza actuala. Romanul Hotel Iris poate fi interpretat ca o replica stralucita la Lolita lui Nabokov.

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    7,00 RON
    'What is the life of a human being - a drop of dew, a flash of lightning? This is so sad, so sad.' Autobiographical stories from one of Japan's masters of modernist story-telling. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.
  6. spuneți-vă părerea

    33,00 RON

    "<<Mintea Zen>> reprezinta una dintre acele expresii enigmatice folosite de maestrii Zen pentru a va face sa deveniti constienti de voi insiva, de a merge dincolo de cuvinte, si de a va face sa va intrebati ce inseamna mintea si fiinta voastra. Acesta este scopul tuturor invataturilor Zen - a va face sa va intrebati si sa raspundeti la aceasta  intrebare prin intermediul celei mai profunde expresii a propriei voastre naturi. Practica mintii Zen este mintea incepatorului. Inocenta primei intrebari - ce sunt eu? - este necesara pe tot parcursul practicii Zen. Mintea incepatorului este goala, libera de deprinderile expertului, este gata sa accepte, sa se indoiasca, sa se deschida in fata tuturor posibilitatilor. Este acel tip de minte care poate vedea lucrurile asa cum sunt, care  - pas cu pas si dintr-o strafulgerare - poate realiza natura originara a tuturor lucrurilor. Aceasta practica a mintii Zen se regaseste de-a lungul intregii carti. In mod direct sau prin inferenta, fiecare sectiune a cartii se refera la problema modalitatii de mentinere a acestei atitudini in meditatia voastra si in viata voastra. Aceasta este o modalitate antica de a da invatatura, ce foloseste limbajul cel mai simplu si situatiile din viata de zi cu zi. Acest lucru inseamna ca studentul trebuie sa se invete pe sine." (Richard Baker)

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