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  1. spuneți-vă părerea

    59,00 RON
    In this debut novel from acclaimed Booker Prize-winning Kazuo Ishiguro (The Remains of the Day,Never Let Me Go), post-war Japan serves as the haunting backdrop to a subtle story of memory, suicide, and psychological trauma.
  2. spuneți-vă părerea

    58,99 RON
    "Almost certainly a masterpiece." (Anita Brookner). Ryder, a renowned pianist, arrives in a Central European city he cannot identify for a concert he cannot remember agreeing to give. But then as he traverses a landscape by turns eerie and comical - and always strangely malleable, as a dream might be - he comes steadily to realise he is facing the most crucial performance of his life. Ishiguro's extraordinary and original study of a man whose life has accelerated beyond his control was met on publication by consternation, vilification - and the highest praise. If you enjoyed The Unconsoled, you might also like Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day.
  3. spuneți-vă părerea

    56,00 RON

    "A gentle, moving tragicomedy... Ishiguro gives us a vignette of a moment in cultural history which is as complete, in its own way, as Washington Square" (London Review of Books)

    " A work of spare elegance: refined, understated, economic" (Sunday Times)

  4. spuneți-vă părerea

    39,95 RON
    Premiul Nobel pentru Literatură 2017 Traducere de Magda Teodorescu Cartea urmareste destinul a trei orfani: Christopher Banks, Sarah Hemmings, de care acesta se indragosteste, si Jennifer, fetita pe care o adopta. Cele doua figuri feminine au in spate o istorie banala, oricit de tragic ar fi faptul de a ramine orfan. In schimb, in cazul lui Christopher Banks este vorba despre disparitia misterioasa a parintilor lui in Shanghai in anii primului razboi mondial. Cei doi parinti sint presupuse victime ale traficantilor de opiu. Cautarea si gasirea parintilor reprezinta cazul care ar trebui, teoretic, sa incununeze cariera sa de detectiv. Jurnal, confesiune, autoanaliza, romanul „Pe cind eram orfani” este, dincolo de infiltratiile ironice abundente, un emotionant roman despre dragoste si prietenie.
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