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  1. spuneți-vă părerea

    57,01 RON
    He is a brilliant maths professor with a peculiar problem - ever since a traumatic head injury seventeen years ago, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is a sensitive but astute young housekeeper who is entrusted to take care of him. Each morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are reintroduced to one another, a strange, beautiful relationship blossoms between them. The Professor may not remember what he had for breakfast, but his mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past. He devises clever maths riddles - based on her shoe size or her birthday - and the numbers reveal a sheltering and poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her ten-year-old son. With each new equation, the three lost souls forge an affection more mysterious than imaginary numbers, and a bond that runs deeper than memory.
  2. spuneți-vă părerea

    57,00 RON
    A disturbing masterpiece of narrative invention and moving storytelling from one of Japan's most highly respected and bestselling writers.
  3. spuneți-vă părerea

    37,00 RON
    Traducere de Flavius Florea Acest elegant roman istoric al lui Ken’ichi Yamamoto îmbina un talent literar impresionant cu o intriga clasica. Sub pretextul seppuku-ului marelui maestru de ceai Sen no Rikyu din februarie 1591, ordonat de catre Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598), scriitorul reuseste o compozitie savanta si atractiva. Nascut în 1956, el se înscrie, într-o maniera proprie, în continuitatea unor mari contemporani ai literaturii, precum Yasushi Inoue (Maestrul de ceai), sau ai cinematografului, precum Kei Kumai (Moartea unui maestru de ceai, 1989). Cu multa abilitate, textul trece de la un personaj la altul, mentinîndu-se în sfera ceremoniei ceaiului si oferindu-si misterul mai mult simtirii decât întelegerii. Dincolo de reconstituirea vechii Japonii, cititorul va putea aprecia personajele feminine, cronologia fluida, alternanta între lentoare aeriana si intensitate.“
  4. spuneți-vă părerea

    66,00 RON
    From a leading expert in Japanese history, this is one of the first full histories of the art and culture of the Samurai warrior. The Samurai emerged as a warrior caste in Medieval Japan and would have a powerful influence on the history and culture of the country from the next 500 years. Clements also looks at the Samurai wars that tore Japan apart in the 17th and 18th centuries and how the caste was finally demolished in the advent of the mechanized world.
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