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  1. spuneți-vă părerea

    26,92 RON

    Cartea pernei. Confesiunile unei doamne de onoare este una dintre cele mai citite opere din literatura japoneza!

  2. spuneți-vă părerea

    33,72 RON
    Cartile lui Lesley Downer au fost traduse in peste treizeci de limbi.
  3. spuneți-vă părerea

    59,00 RON
    One of the biggest-selling Japanese thrillers ever, and the inspiration for a cult film, The Devotion of Suspect X is now being discovered across the world. Its blend of a page-turning story, evocative Tokyo setting and utterly surprising ending make it a must-read for anyone interested in international fiction.
  4. spuneți-vă părerea

    40,46 RON

    Inspirat din fapte reale, romanul Puntea viselor surprinde Japonia anilor 1870 ’ o epoca in plina schimbare, cand, dupa razboiul civil, civilizatia occidentala incepe sa patrunda in cultura traditionala, testandu-i astfel limitele, deschiderea si reticenta fata de nou atat la nivel vestimentar, culinar, cat si al obiceiurilor. Este momentul in care, dupa ce au fost invinse fortele shogunului, generalul Kitaoka, dezamagit de noul regim, va pune la cale o rascoala. Pe acest fundal tulbure se va contura frumoasa poveste de dragoste, aparent imposibila, dintre Taka si Nobu.

  5. spuneți-vă părerea

    59,00 RON
    When a man is discovered dead by poisoning in his empty home his beautiful wife, Ayane, immediately falls under suspicion. All clues point to Ayane being the logical suspect, but how could she have committed the crime when she was hundreds of miles away? As Tokyo police detective Kusanagi tries to unpick a seemingly unrelated sequence of events he finds himself falling for Ayane. When his judgement becomes dangerously clouded his assistant must call on an old friend for help; it will take a genius to unravel the most spectacular web of deceit they have ever faced...